Who We Are

Anja Cheriakova
In 2021 Anja walked through the gates of Hof Imstenrade, with her two children and their Father, and saw the potential of a connected way of living on this majestic piece of land. Guided by her strong instinct of Nature’s Way, and filled with her experience on leading and starting communities around sustainable and social missions she understood that her past adventures prepared her to come build this place up to be a sanctuary for a connected way of living.
With each step she is paving the way forward, guiding the vision, bringing it together – into reality. She is strengthening the core principles and holding teachings, dance ceremonies and body work.
She has finished a food forest and soil regeneration education to be able to understand the core principles of Nature’s Ways.
Georges Janssens
Georges is always asking the fundamental questions of life and living to understand the natural elements at work to build healthy and vibrant lives. Besides being the father of two daughters, he is a medical biologist. He is fascinated with the question of healthy Aging and what we can do to stimulate this. As lead-researcher at the University of Amsterdam he helps to perform research. He guides our lives and helps set up food systems at Imstenrade from a scientific and natural intuitive angle.
Elisa van Dam
Heard the call to build harmonious and fair communities a while ago. As a child she was deeply connected to natural ways. She uses her ability of deep listening, to what people, places and nature needs, together with her knowledge of startups and sustainable business to make this place into a paradise. Recently she started a education as a Firekeeper for sweatlodges. A ceremony that, through Sjamanic rituals, leads us to live a more connected life.
Ingrid Schelberg
With her knowledge about plants as medicine Ingrid is closely connected with natural life. Because of her experience as a social worker in various fields she has seen how the world works. This knowledge and connection with plants she uses to heal nature and the people around her.
Renske Oosterwijk
As a child Rens was always connected to nature, animals in the grasslands and living outside. And that connection she has never lost. As a manager and coordinator of different beautiful social organisations she knows exactly how to lead people to their core values and help them live their passion. At Imstenrade she helps to connect people and to simplify complex processes, meanwhile she is often found with both hands and feet busy tending to the needs of the garden.
Stillness and peace of mind make it a party to be with Roji, if you truly care to listen. He has a fiery desire to live a life in harmony and balance. With his technical background he has a lot to do at Imstenrade.