Regenerative farming and foraging

Seeing the soil as the vital organ of Mother Earth, that creates and hosts all organisms to give life. We nurture and help her by leaving her alone, so we can follow her rhythm and can rest as well.

The practice of farming is based on many natural ways we already know and ways we trust we will remember again. By introducing the Natural Farming method, we accept chaos within a structure. With our knowledge of Permaculture, Food forest methods and different experiences with gardens we build a bountiful botanical experiment 

Our path to diversify and nurture all life:

  • Applying natural farming and permaculture activities to feed 250-300 people in the South of Limburg. 
  • Give rise to a food forest where fruit and nut trees are in abundance
  • Apply fermentation techniques to help restore our health through our microbiome. 
  • Hold bees in a natural way and share some of the delicious produce together
  • Grow mushrooms and learn from their beneficial substance how to live long and healthy lives

We set our intention to involve everyone to become part of our journey by becoming stewards alongside us. More will follow about this in the coming months.